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Time Travel Debugging Virtual Lab

Learn how to debug a race condition in 15 minutes with LiveRecorder using our virtual lab environment.

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Debugging can be especially time consuming when software failures cannot easily be reproduced. Race conditions and other concurrency issues are some of the toughest software defects to reproduce and debug.

Time travel debugging solves that problem by making bugs reproducible – saving you a huge amount of time on debugging the root causes of new regressions, legacy bugs, and flaky tests.

This is how it works:
RECORD your applications' execution

REPLAY the recording to see exactly what the software did: go back to any point in the execution history to inspect application state (including contents of all threads' locals, all globals, and the heap)

RESOLVE the bug fast: trace from symptom to root cause in just one cycle (since all the information you need is contained in the recording - no need to waste time reproducing the bug anymore!)

In this course, you will learn how to debug a race condition with LiveRecorder (Undo's time travel debugging technology)... in just 15 minutes. Hit the 'Enroll' blue button above and let's get started!
